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Tredegar Comprehensive

Tredegar Comprehensive

Year 8

Year 8 Science Literacy

Key Terms Practical Work in Science KS3 KS4


Purpose of the year


  • To further develop skills and confidence in a Science lab using investigations as a means of planning, developing and reflecting on key scientific principles.  Each pupil will be assessed based on the 14 strands of the National Curriculum; at the end of the academic year all tasks from Year 7 through Year 8 will be reviewed and a final level will be awarded to each pupil.


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

What students will learn

  • Life in the stars
  • Bodyworks


  • Our World, Our Choices
  • Healthy Futures
  • Science of Motion
  • Formal Assessment

Key assessments

Life in the Stars – pupils look at our place in the solar system, galaxy and beyond. They explore the planets nearest us and consider what would be needed for a successful space mission. They discover the concepts of elements how they are arranged in the Periodic table and what information this gives us. They are assessed on a literacy task exploring a day in the life of an astronaut on a space station and also complete a bottle rocket investigation.


Bodyworks – pupils study the main cells, organs and systems in the body and how they are adapted for particular functions. They look at heart rate and exercise, coordination and the nervous system. They are assessed on a task looking at cell structure and a pulse rate investigation.

Our World, Our Choices –pupils are introduced to the changing design of a car as a starter to explore chemical reactions and human impact on the changing atmosphere. They explore the Science behind combustion and look at renewable and non-renewable energy resources. They complete a group activity to plan how to survive on a remote island and finish the unit with a design based on the car of the future, incorporating some of the new technologies covered in this unit.


Healthy Futures –Pupils consider the concept of ‘Health’ and the factors that can impact on health. They investigate the components of a balanced diet, how we can find energy content of foods, how microbes cause disease and the science behind vaccinations. They complete an investigation comparing antibacterial cleaners and finally research the effect of different groups of drugs on the body.

Science of Motion – Pupils investigate how to calculate speed, the forces involved in roller-coaster design and the science behind these machines. They develop their numeracy skills in order to compare different rollercoasters and then consolidate this unit with an investigation based on the movement of a bobsleigh down a ramp.


Formal Asessment

This assessment will be decided by staff toward the end of the year. It could be a full investigation where pupils will be expected to plan, develop and reflect. Or, it could a skills based end of year test.

Key vocabulary:

Essential words for students to be able to spell, explain and use




Literacy and Numeracy:

Structure and organisation Select, analyse and present ideas and information convincingly.


Writing accurately Use technical terms, language and expression consistent with the subject content.


Write with grammatical accuracy varying the length and structure of sentences to make meaning clear.  Use the full range of punctuation in order to clarify meaning. 


Produce fluent and legible handwriting.


Using measuring skills- time – interpret fractions of a second appropriately.


Developing numerical reasoning – represent and communicate – select and construct appropriate graphs with suitable scales


Using data skills – present and analyse data, construct graphs, interpret graphs to compare data.

Literacy and Numeracy:

Response and analysis – Synthesise and analyse information effectively.


Organising ideas – Select, interpret and evaluate information objectively.


Language – Use technical terms, language and expression consistent with the subject and content.


Reading - Read new texts with concentration.


Select the main points from texts


Select and summarise information from different texts. 

Literacy and Numeracy:

Use a wide range of technical terms, language and expression consistent with the subject content

Key terms ; potential energy, kinetic energy, energy transfers, friction, work done, speed.


Write simple, compound and complex sentences with grammatical accuracy in their writing.


Use a variety of strategies and resources to spell familiar and unfamiliar vocabulary and science specific words correctly.


Construct and interpret graphs and diagrams.


Examine results critically, select and justify choice of statistics, recognising  the limitations of any assumptions and their effect on the conclusions drawn.

Additional Resources

An online Padlet platform has been designed with KS3 skills in mind. Pupils can use this platform to help them understand what is required of them when completing assessments.


The Padlet contains the level ladder we use to assess pupils.

Guidance linked to skills assessments can be found in the printable document, in the link below.


Please note: assessments will not be sent home and all work must be completed in class. If pupils require extra time, this may be offered as a support session. These sometimes take place after school and notice would be given in advance.

How parents can help


Help your child to learn their key words by testing them regularly at home.


Actively encourage your child to use the Padlet skills platform to help them to understand what’s required of them when answering skilled based assessments.


Extra-curricular opportunities & visits


To be announced as and when opportunities arise.

Homework expectations


Pupils are to familiarise themselves with the key words and be prepared to learn the key vocabulary lists for spelling tests.


Homework will be set by individual teachers at a time which best suits the scheme of work. This should be completed to the best of the pupils’ ability.