Music in Year 7
Purpose of the year
Term 1 |
Term 2 |
Term 3 |
What students will learn |
‘Find Your Voice’ & ‘Graphic Scores’
In ‘Find Your Voice,’ pupils learn about vocal techniques whilst implementing these through an exploration of sounds produced by the voice. They will learn how to re-produce a song vocally.
In ‘Graphic Scores’ pupils will learn how to notate and match sounds. They will develop their understanding of the musical elements through creativity. |
‘Banua’ & ‘Welsh Music’
In ‘Banua,’ pupils learn about African tradition and culture. They will learn how to arrange a piece of music.
In Welsh music, pupils will learn about Welsh culture and vocal techniques as well as ensemble skills. They will learn how to play different parts of the song on different instruments – guitar, ukulele, glockenspiel/xylophone and keyboard. |
‘World Music’ & ‘Skills’
In ‘World music’ pupils will learn about styles of music from different places in the world. They will learn about the key features and characteristics of these.
In the ‘Skills’ topic, pupils will spend time playing popular songs to develop their composing, performing and appraising skills. They will form a ‘case study’ of a song, learning to perform it as well as learn about a key musical device it contains. They will then compose their own musical device to add to their song.
Key assessments |
Pupils will re-produce a song vocally in groups, incorporating a melody, bass line, rhythm and harmony.
Pupils will create a composition to represent a story about a haunted house, creating their own graphic score. |
Pupils will create an arrangement of Banua in groups, demonstrating FATT (Fluency, Accuracy, Technique and Timing).
Pupils will perform ‘Sospan Fach’ as a member of an ensemble. |
Pupils will perform a variety of pieces either as a soloist, choosing one for their final assessment. They must demonstrate FAT (Fluency, Accuracy and Technique)
Pupils will choose a song to focus on and will be assessed on their performance and appraisal of the song.
Key vocabulary: 15 essential words for students to be able to spell, explain and use |
Riff Dynamics Tempo Structure Texture Pitch Melody Bass line Beat boxing Harmony Duration Rhythm Traditional and Graphic Notation Score Interpretation Timbre |
Ostinato Rhythm Notation Polyrhythms Ensemble Arrangement Intonation Diction Projection Posture Fluency Accuracy Technique |
Pentatonic Syncopation Chord Melody Articulation Rhythm Device Drone
Skills |
Vocal skills Ensemble Skills Performance Skills Compositional Skills Appraising Skills |
Solo and Ensemble skills Compositional Skills Appraising Skills |
Solo Skills Compositional Skills Appraising Skills |
Additional Resources |
Pupils will be using the jampod facility in lessons. They will also be using ipads in lessons and be expected to conduct homework activities through ‘Showbie’ which is an online app. |
How parents can help
Parents can help by actively encouraging their children to listen to a wide variety of styles and genres of music.
Parents can support their children by listening to their work with them via Showbie. This will enable them to hear their child’s progression over time. |
Extra-curricular opportunities & visits
Choir and Ukulele club both run once a week. Pupils who attend these clubs will be able to perform in all concert opportunities. Choir members will have the opportunity to perform in St David’s Hall as part of Gwent Music’s Summer Festival.
Pupils have the opportunity to learn an instrument with one of our peripatetic teachers. The instruments available are: drums, keyboard, voice, guitar, bass guitar or ukulele. |
Homework expectations
Pupils will complete one homework per year. This will involve listening to a class performance and assessing this using key terminology.
Music in Year 8
Purpose of the year
Term 1 |
Term 2 |
Term 3 |
What students will learn |
‘Just Play’ & ‘Garageband Project’
In ‘Just Play’ pupils learn about chords and how these form the basis of most pop songs. They will learn chords on ukuleles, guitar and bass guitar as well as keyboards.
In ‘Garageband Project’ pupils learn how to structure a piece of music and how to change an existing piece of music by experimenting with the musical elements. They will develop their knowledge of the software Garageband. |
‘Film Music’ & ‘Welsh Music’
In ‘Film Music’ pupils learn about how film composers match music to what’s going on, on screen. Pupils learn about music’s ability to convey a particular emotion/mood.
In ‘Welsh Music’ pupils learn about song writing techniques, in order to write their own welsh song. They learn about song structures and how to write effective lyrics.
‘Battle of the Bands’ & ‘Skills’
In ‘Battle of the Bands’ pupils learn about how to create a cover version of an existing song. They will change certain musical elements of the song such as tempo, timbre, structure and style. They will learn how to play all the different parts of the song.
In the ‘Skills’ topic pupils will be introduced to GCSE Music. They will learn how to compose a chord progression and perform this. They will then learn the musical elements at GCSE level through appraising activities.
Key assessments |
Pupils will perform their chosen song as an ensemble along with the backing track, demonstrating FAT (Fluency, Accuracy and Technique)
Pupils will arrange a given piece of music. They will be expected to implement a structure and musical device as well as show attention to the musical elements. |
Pupils will arrange music using Garageband to appropriately fit what’s going on throughout a film trailer. They must ensure the music suits the on-screen action and that the change of scene is reflected in the music.
In groups, pupils will create their own lyrics and melody to a chosen chord pattern.
In groups, pupils will perform their cover version of a song to the class in their ‘band’. They will have to demonstrate all the parts of the song and vary certain musical elements.
N/A |
Key vocabulary: 15 essential words for students to be able to spell, explain and use |
Skills |
Additional Resources |
Pupils will be using the jampod facility in lessons. They will also be using ipads in lessons and be expected to conduct homework activities through ‘Showbie’ which is an online app. |
How parents can help
Parents can help by actively encouraging their children to listen to a wide variety of styles and genres of music.
Parents can support their children by listening to their work with them via Showbie. This will enable them to hear their child’s progression over time. |
Extra-curricular opportunities & visits
Choir and Ukulele club both run once a week. Pupils who attend these clubs will be able to perform in all concert opportunities. Choir members will have the opportunity to perform in St David’s Hall as part of Gwent Music’s Summer Festival.
Pupils have the opportunity to learn an instrument with one of our peripatetic teachers. The instruments available are: drums, keyboard, voice, guitar, bass guitar or ukulele. |
Homework expectations
Pupils will complete one homework per year. This will involve listening to a class performance and assessing this using key terminology.
Music in Year 9
Term 1
Theory |
Composition |
Appraising – AOS 1 and 4 |
Performing |
Area of Focus |
Notation |
Cover Version |
Form & Structure Conjunct & Disjunct Motion |
Keyboard Skills |
Pupils will learn note values and how to read notes on the stave. They will notate the song that they are arranging on Garageband.
Pupils will be given a generic pop song in which they will use the musical elements to create a cover version in groups. Melody will remain unchanged. Musical elements are to be included/varied. |
Pupils will learn about different types of forms and structure through appraising musical examples. Pupils will learn about the basic features of melody construction. |
All pupils will follow a basic keyboard course allowing them to achieve Grade 1 standard. Those pupils who are pianists above this grade on keyboard, can work on the piece they are learning with their peripatetic/private teacher. |
2nd Half Term |
Area of Focus
Notation (including rests) |
Cover Version of Solo Piece |
Texture Types and Italian Terms |
Solo Piece |
Pupils will continue to consolidate their understanding of note values and notes on the stave. Corresponding rests will be learnt. |
Pupils will create a cover version of the solo piece they are learning with their peripatetic/private teacher. They will record the melody into Garageband and add other parts. Musical devices |
Pupils will continue to consolidate their understanding of different types of form and structure and melodic writing through appraising. They will also be introduced to the different types of texture through appraising. Pupils will learn Italian terms for tempo and dynamics. |
Pupils will start learning a graded piece with their peripatetic/private teacher. They will practise this piece in lesson time individually. |
Term 2
Theory/Skill |
Composition |
Appraising – AOS 2 and 3 |
Performing |
Area of Focus |
Tonality and Harmony |
Film Music - Garageband |
Film Music |
Film Music |
Pupils will learn to identify Major/Minor and Dissonant harmonies. |
Pupils will learn key compositional techniques and use these to create a piece of music related to the horror genre. Pupils will need to compose music to accompany a storyboard. |
Pupils will learn about the instruments of the orchestra.
Pupils will listen to a range of film music and appraise extracts using Italian terms and terminology learnt in the previous term. |
Pupils will learn to play a variety of pieces of film music as a soloist before putting together an ensemble performance of ‘Eye of the tiger.’ Pupils will continue to work on their individual solo pieces. |
Term 3
Theory |
Composition |
Appraising – AOS 1 and 4 |
Performing |
Area of Focus |
Musical Devices/Chords |
Song writing |
Popular Music |
Solo Performance |
Pupils will learn about the key musical devices in popular music and will notate a part of their song. Pupils will learn about primary and secondary chords. |
Pupils will be given a set of lyrics and a chord pattern. (They may create their own if they wish). They will be expected to compose a melody, bass line and riff as a group. |
Pupils will listen to a variety of popular music pieces, to identify musical devices and different styles of popular music. |
A class concert will take place, for all pupils to have the opportunity to perform their solo piece they have worked on throughout the year, to the class. |
2nd Half Term |
Area of Focus |
Musical Ensembles |
Song writing Continued |
Musical Ensembles |
Ensemble Performance |
Explore key signatures and scales, following on from primary/secondary chords and triads. |
Pupils will individually re produce their song on Garageband. |
Pupils will listen to a variety of ensembles to identify the style aswell as musical elements and devices. They will consolidate understanding of texture and instrumentation. |
Pupils will rehearse and perform the song to the class that they started composing before half term. |
Music in Year 10
Autumn Term (Sept – Dec) |
Spring Term (Jan – March) |
Summer Term (April – July) |
Appraising |
Musical Forms and Devices and Popular Music Listening Test x2 |
Music for Ensemble and Film Music PPE EXAM |
Re visit all topics MOCK EXAM |
Performing |
Set Ensemble pieces for Prize giving/Christmas Concert
Work on own choice SOLO pieces and Class Ensemble piece 1 and 2 |
Continue working on SOLO pieces Form ensembles and choose a piece to perform at the end of the year |
Composing |
Composing Tasks 1 and 2 (Submitted with log) |
Composing Tasks 3 and 4 |
Deadline 1: *1 completed composition submitted* (with log) for teacher marking |
Music in Year 11
Autumn Term (Sept – Dec) |
Spring Term (Jan – March) |
Summer Term (April – Jun |
Appraising |
Revisit ‘Musical Forms and Devices’ and Popular Music PPE EXAM |
Revisit Music for Ensemble and Film Music |
Performing |
Solo and Ensemble pieces to be decidedPPE SOLO EXAM
PERFORMING EXAM (Before February half term) |
Composing |
Begin 2nd Composition (Responding to a brief)
Deadline 2: **Completed 2nd composition submitted** (with log) for teacher marking |
Review and improve both compositions
FINAL DEADLINE: ***2 Completed compositions*** (with compositional processes and evaluation) |