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Tredegar Comprehensive

Tredegar Comprehensive

Support at YGTCS


At Ysgol Gyfun Tredegar Comprehensive School we believe that all pupils have the right to respect and to feel safe. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at our school. If bullying does occur, all pupils should know how to deal with such incidents and who to tell.

We have a zero tolerance approach towards any form of bullying.

We encourage an open culture where everyone within the school community has responsibility for reporting and recording incidents of bullying. Every reported incident will be taken seriously and appropriate action taken with those involved. Anti-bullying is everyone’s responsibility!

What is bullying?

The ABA (Anti-Bullying Alliance) defines bullying as:

the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological.  It can happen face-to-face or through cyberspace.

Bullying is not relationship conflict or ‘banter’.

What to do if a pupil is being bullied?


    • There are 8 Anti-Bullying Ambassadors from Year 11, a list of these can be found below. Pupils have been formally trained by the Diana Award and have undertaken online training modules via Anti-Bullying Alliance. 
    • Ambassadors can be identified from the anti-bullying noticeboard, the school website and by the red badges which they wear. Pupils can communicate with any of the ambassadors who will inform the relevant members of staff. 
    • Pupils and parents are reminded to report any incidents to the relevant Learning Coordinator. Incidents will be recorded and investigated as per school policy. 
    • Designated Safeguard Leads will be involved if matters persist.   
    • A copy of the Anti-Bullying policy can be found on the school website. Mr P Maddy is the link governor for Anti-Bullying. 


Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are:


Asyia Ilahi

Bethan Davies

Callie Campbell

Chloe Simmonds

Evie Thomas

Jenna Bedford

Jess Bird

Josie Morris


  • A post box can be found outside Pupil Services. Any pupil can make a discreet request to meet with an ambassador by simply putting a note in the box.
  • Pupils and parents are reminded to report any incidents their Learning Coordinator. Incidents will be recorded and investigated as per school policy.
  • Designated Safeguarding Leads will be involved if matters persist.

A copy of the Anti-Bullying policy can be found under the 'Policies' section of the website.

Interactive anti-bullying information tool for parents and carers


This is a free interactive anti-bullying information tool for parents and carers. There has been some amazing feedback, with over 85% of parents finding the information they were looking for. It aims to give you information about bullying in an interactive way.