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Tredegar Comprehensive

Tredegar Comprehensive

The Brilliant Club

About the Scholars Programme

The Scholars Programme provides pupils aged 8-18 from non-selective state schools the opportunity to work with a PhD researcher to experience university-style learning. It helps them to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to secure a place at a highly-selective university. We support pupils aged 8-18, to make an informed choice at 18 but also to ensure they develop the skills needed to excel in their next phase of education. 

The programme is available to state schools across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It is structured around seven tutorials, complemented by two trips to highly-selective universities. Twelve pupils are in one placement, taught in two smaller groups of six. Pupils work towards completing a challenging final assignment, which is marked and moderated using university grades. Schools can take part in placements in the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms, with each placement lasting around eight weeks.

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